My Little Mermaid

I didn’t learn to swim until I was an adult. Believe it or not, my husband taught me how to swim right before Arabella was born. It was important to me to be able to conquer my childhood fear of water and be confident enough to help my child get to safety should the unthinkable happen. So now, as a Mommy, it makes me unbelievably proud to see my three year old already on the brink of swimming and absolutely in love with any body of water we put her in! But I can’t take all the credit for my daughter’s progress. When Arabella was three months old, we enrolled her in a baby splash class at Swim Kids. Now I know some parents may think three months is too little but I found that it gave Arabella a positive introduction to being in water and my husband and I learned valuable water safety skills as new parents. And she loved it! Once she started walking at ten months, we took her to Tom Dolan Swim School where she learned foundational swimming skills - like floating, turning around and reaching for the wall and climbing out of the pool. These fundamental skills are extremely important for our children. Drowning is the #1 cause of unintentional death in children under 4. Now that we live near a community pool, we’ve continued with kids group swimming lessons which is so convenient and a great way to meet new friends in our neighborhood. So if you’re a new Mom or it’s always been on your mind to get your kids in a swim class, take it from me and do it! We made it a priority and it’s one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. Our little mermaid is well on her way to becoming a strong and happy swimmer!

Arabella’s 1st Swim Class